The movie Polaroid is styled in the vein of The Ring and Final Destination and revolves around a high school loner, Bird Fitcher, who stumbles upon a vintage Polaroid camera. Bird soon learns that the camera houses a terrible secret: whoever has their picture taken by it meets a tragic and violent end. Bird and her friends must survive one more night as they race to solve the mystery of the haunted Polaroid before it kills them all.
The movie is based on Lars Klevberg’s 2015 short film, and was shot on location in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Polaroid was taken off the 2017 release schedule due to Harvey Weinstein, the studio’s founder, being accused on multiple cases of sexual harassment and rape. The failing independent studio Vertical Entertainment bought the film for pennies on the dollar and released it On Demand one month before dumping it in a handful of third class movie theaters that agree to play movies (to empty houses) that are released in theaters after they are released On Demand.