A reimagining of the iconic Norman Lear’s classic sitcom, One Day at a Time is a hilarious and heartfelt comedy that follows three generations of a Cuban-American family navigating the ups and downs of life. A newly-single mom and military veteran journeys through the triumphs and tribulations that come with raising two strong-willed, mega-millennial children, all the while enlisting the “help” of her old-school mother and her building manager-turned-invaluable confidant. Through an contemporary lens, One Day at a Time offers a glimpse at what life looks like, in good times and bad — and how those around you somehow make it all worthwhile.
One Day at a Time stars Justina Machado, Rita Moreno, Stephen Tobolowsky, Todd Grinnell, Isabella Gomez and Marcel Ruiz. Norman Lear executive produces, with Gloria Calderon Kellett and Mike Royce executive producing and co-showrunning. Michael Garcia and Brent Miller also executive produce. One Day at a Time is produced by Sony Television Productions for Netflix.