20th Century Fox is developing a horror movie based on Stephen King’s short story The Boogeyman with A Quiet Place screenwriters Scott Beck and Bryan Woods.
The Boogeyman, first published in 1973, takes place in a psychiatrist’s office where a man describes the murders of his three young children — with all three dying after crying Boogeyman. The story has been made into a short film several times.
Originally published in 1973 but collected in the 1978 short story collection Night Shift, The Boogeyman takes place in a psychiatrist’s office where a father describes the murders of his three young children who were being stalked by an otherworldly creature that lurks in the closets of his home— with all three dying after crying Boogeyman. It’s a creepy, nasty story, one that reflects that sharp and unforgiving edges of King’s early work. It’s also proven popular with filmmakers over the years, as it has been adapted into a short film no fewer than seven times. However, this will be the first feature film adaptation of the material.
Beck and Woods teamed on the screenplay for A Quite Place with director John Krasinski. The writers grew up together in Iowa, and began working on A Quiet Place five years ago.
The Boogeyman Movie Based on Stephen King short story Coming Soon.