Gladiator won the Best Picture Oscar in 2001, and its star, Russell Crowe, won the Best Actor Oscar. Now its director, four time Oscar nominee, eighty-one year old Ridley Scott, (Thelma & Louise, Gladiator, The Martian, Black Hawk Down, and also Alien), is returning to the director’s chair with a Gladiator sequel, sans Russell Crow, of course, since his character dies.
The sequel, which has not yet been cast, follows Lucius (the son of Lucilla and the nephew of Joaquin Phoenix’s Commodus).
Paramount is currently in negotiations to land the project. Dreamworks was behind the original film, which earned five Oscars and pulled in $460 million at the global box office.
Writer Peter Craig has been tapped to write the movie. Craig is the writer behind Hunger Games: Mockingjay- Part 1 & 2 and is currently working on Paramount’s Top Gun sequel.
Gladiator Sequel From Ridley Scott Coming To Theaters.