2015 Oscar Winners

February 22, 2015

On the Eve of the Oscars: The Dinner Party List and 2015 Oscar Winners.

It’s the biggest night of the year for movie lovers: The Oscars. Couture formal fashions; exquisite multi- million dollar jewelry; unexpected drama; flubs; disappointments; rambling acceptance speeches – the Oscars seldom disappoints.

A lot of movie critics speculate on “who will win” vs “who should win.” But let’s be real – the winners are chosen by people who have preferences, connections, history and attitude. This isn’t the Olympics with specific requirements; a 10 point scale of perfection; or a time clock. That’s why it is so much fun. Everyone nominated has given a performance for the ages, and some were overlooked, as our editor pointed out. (To that list, I want to add Channing Tatum for Foxcatcher.)

2014 was a great year for the movies, no matter who wins.

But what movies are generating the most conversation and buzz with friends and family? What movies do your friends ask: “did you see ___?” Here’s my list of the top dinner party conversation movies – the “must sees:”

American Sniper
Imitation Game
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Gone Girl

Some of these have made it to the movie chains, but you might have to seek out Whiplash, Just Alice and Birdman. Whiplash is just plain brilliant (and why wasn’t Miles Teller nominated for best actor?) but you have to “get the joke” to understand Birdman (neuroses and narcissism at their finest.)

So tune in, cheer on your favorite movies and actors, but most of all – enjoy the show!

For the complete list of 2015 Oscar winners, check back, beginning at 8:30PM EST, tonight, February 22, 2015.

Audrey Shine



2015 Oscar Winners Posters and Photos

  • 2015 Oscar Winners poster