The animated movie Another Day Of Life is a movie based on the book written by legendary Polish war correspondent Ryszard Kapuściński. It tells the story of a journalist, left to himself to write a feature story on the civil war in Angola on the advent of its regaining independence in 1975. Kapuściński is an idealist, a friend to lost causes and revolutions. Although he had been to many front lines before, Angola was to change him forever. He was to get closer to the realities of war; he was to discover that journalistic reporting was far too limiting for him; he could dispatch his reports to the editor’s office by telex, yet his enormous imagination and internal voice are ill-fitted to this message-limiting machine. Kapuściński experienced a dangerous journey into the heart of darkness which changed him forever. He left for Angola as a reporter to come back as a writer. He discovered that the honest and idealistic world he was seeking does not exist in Africa… and so he created it by means of a typewriter.