Eating Animals DVD

Eating Animals DVD Release Date: January 1, 2019

Current methods of farming may ensure vast and reliable production, but they also raise thorny issues concerning the environment, health risks and humane treatment of animals. The frank and uncompromising new film Eating Animals lays out the issues in clear and convincing fashion.

How much do you know about the food that’s on your plate? Based on the bestselling book by Jonathan Safran Foer (Everything Is Illuminated, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close) and narrated by co-producer Natalie Portman, Eating Animals is an urgent, eye-opening look at the environmental, economic and public health consequences of factory farming.

Tracing the history of food production in the United States, the film charts how farming has gone from local and sustainable to a corporate Frankenstein monster that offers cheap eggs, meat and dairy at a steep cost: the exploitation of animals; the risky use of antibiotics and hormones; and the pollution of our air, soil and water.

Spotlighting farmers who have pushed backed against industrial agriculture with more humane practices, Eating Animals offers attainable, commonsense solutions to a growing crisis while making the case that ethical farming is not only an animal rights issue but one that affects every aspect of our lives.

Directed by award-winner Christopher Quinn (God Grew Tired of Us, 21 Up in America), Eating Animals has a remarkable Rotten Tomatoes rating over 90%. Rafer Guzman of Newsday said, “If Eating Animals gets you to think twice about that prepackaged beef or frozen chicken, it will have done its job.” Philip Martin of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette said the film “might lead more of us to consider the moral cost of our supper.” “As eye-opening as it is stomach-turning, whether you’re familiar with this topic or not,” wrote Christy Lemire at


Eating Animals DVD-$24.98

Eating Animals DVD

Eating Animals DVD Trailer

Starring: Natalie Portman
Directed By: Christopher Dillon Quinn
MPAA Rating Unrated