The Misandrists

The Misandrists Release Date: May 25, 2018

Set in 1999, Somewhere in Germany, the movie The Misandrists follows a young radical named Isolde (Kita Updike) who falls in love with boy dissident Volker (Til Schindler). Stowing him away in the basement of the FLA’s country manor so she can nurse his wounds, Isolde fears discovery by Big Mother (Susanne Sachsse). No men are allowed on the commune, and lesbian sex is encouraged, as Big Mother believes it is the only way to female liberation. She will stop at nothing in her quest to liberate all women, overthrow the patriarchy, and establish a new world order. When the police come looking for the missing boy, Big Mother begins to suspect something is amiss in her militant Sapphic paradise.

Adult gay film director Bruce La Bruce directed the lesbian film.

The Misandrists movie poster

Check out photos from The Misandrists:

The Misandrists still

The Misandrists still

The Misandrists still

The Misandrists Trailer

Directed By: Bruce La Bruce
Runtime: 91 minutes
Studio: Til Schindler, Kita Updike, Susanne Sachße, Viva Ruiz, Kembra Pfahler,
MPAA Rating Unrated

The Misandrists Posters and Photos

  • The Misandrists movie poster
  • The Misandrists still
  • The Misandrists still
  • The Misandrists still
  • The Misandrists poster