Nineteen-year-old Nathan (Tony Revolori) wants to see the “real” America. Armed with a camera to document his journey, Nat leaves behind his childhood home in the Texas suburbs and embarks on solo road trip to Los Angeles, where he will soon be starting his first year of art school. When his car breaks down along the way, Richard (Jason Mantzoukas) comes to his aid, striking up a conversation and repairing the engine. Aimless and searching for a reason to travel himself, Richard warms to Nat, sharing complaints about a bad boss. Though initially skeptical of his motives, Nat is struck by Richard’s unselfconscious blend of wisdom and idiocy, and impulsively invites him along for the ride. As they hit the road together, Richard pounds a road beer (or three), rolls a joint, and begins to question what on earth young Nat is doing with his life. Finding themselves on a journey that is anything but conventional, these two strange companions battle through bar fights, lost loves, and many more unfortunate detours to make it to their next destinations in life – which aren’t necessarily what they’ve planned.
Anchored by winning lead performances from Mantzoukas and Revolori, Hannah Fidell‘s unlikely buddy comedy traverses the desert plains of America in search of the occasionally ridiculous—but very necessary—needs of male companionship.
Check out photos from The Long Dumb Road: