In the movie Lies We Tell, An unflinching British thriller about loyalty, betrayal, and revenge. When his billionaire boss Demi (Harvey Keitel) dies, chauffeur Donald (Gabriel Byrne) is given one final job–to wipe out any evidence of Demi’s relationship with his mistress, the enigmatic and beautiful Amber (Sibylla Deen). Donald’s task soon unravels when Amber’s life is threatened, and he finds himself her reluctant protector. Unwittingly drawn into a dangerous urban underworld, he encounters dark, harrowing practices, and a sinister criminal figure who will test him to his very limits.
Irish born Gabriel Byrne may be best known on the big screen for his starring role in the 1990 movie Miller’s Crossing. He also won a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Television Drama for the TV show “In Treatment”. (He was nominated for two Emmy Awards for his role in “In Treatment”, as well).
Harvey Keitel may be best known for his role as The Bad Lieutenant, one of the only NC-17 rated movies to receive a theatrical release.