In 1963, a military industrialist must race against the clock to stop an international incident which threatens to end the world in the action-packed thriller Blackmark. Inspired by true historical events, this edge-of-your-seat drama is the first feature-length film to tackle the Cold War from the perspective of the military-industrialcomplex. Written and directed by A.J. Martinson, Blackmark stars Jeff Hatch (I Am Still Here), Kaiwi Lyman (Den of Thieves, “American Horror Story”) and Corey MacIntosh (“Unnecessary Force) and Brenna Pillar (Dreams Come True).
An unknown entity has hacked into a Soviet missile and aimed it at the United States. With minutes before Mutually Assured Destruction, an American military industrialist and a Soviet nuclear commander race against the clock to prevent a nation from nuclear annihilation. Unbeknownst to them the threat is just the beginning of an even bigger crisis – one that will change the course of history forever.
Blackmark DVD-$14.99