
Emily Release Date: January 27, 2017

The movie Emily is about a young married couple struggling to stay together after the husband suffers a crisis of faith. As they lose the common bond that brought them together, they must fight to save a relationship that’s slowly breaking apart.

Emily still

Emily still

Emily still

Emily Trailer

Starring: Rachael Perrell FosketMichael DraperSonya Davis
Directed By: Ryan Graves
Runtime: 83 minutes
Studio: Hibernation
MPAA Rating Unrated

Emily Posters and Photos

  • Emily still
  • Emily still
  • MV5BNzc1MWQzMTQtN2M5NC00Yzk5LThjYTQtMTlhNGMxYzdkZGRkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUxMzQzNzU@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,792_AL_
  • Emily still
  • Emily movie poster