
Elektra Release Date: March 11, 2011

Who would have guessed four years ago that Alias would be one of televsion’s most watched shows and that Jennifer Garner would be dating Ben Affleck? Hmmm. Well, fast forward a couple of years. Alias is a hit, Jennifer Garner is a star and she gets her first big screen movie role – in Daredevil. Yes, Daredevil was before 13 Going On 30, which was the bigger hit of the two. We all know Ben is a has Ben. And that Elektra is a sequel of sorts to Daredevil, sans Affleck. But that doesn’t explain why there is still a Jen and Ben. Rumors abound that Ben is gay. Who cares? I say. But, let’s be serious. 20th Century Fox scheduled a junket for Elektra in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago and canceled it, because Jennifer Garner had ‘the flu.’ OK. Why is it that every time Ben Affleck has a Jen at his side that some publicity machine turns into full spin? I couldn’t care less about his love life, be it with a man, woman or chimp, and any publicist who thinks pairing him with J. Lo, J. Ho or J. Blo is going to help his box office career is delusional. As I sat through the press screening of Elektra, my straight friend Tom said, “I wouldn’t have miss this boner movie for the world.” That pretty much sums it up. If you’re a straight, college boy, straight man or dirty old man, you will love Elektra. I mean, what’s wrong with a beautiful tough girl, be it Elektra or Alias? The movie is not a masterpiece and will not be nominated for any Academy Awards in 2006. But, trust me, it’s worth your $10 if all you are looking for is a slam, bam, thank you ma’am movie.

Genres: ActionCrimeFantasyThriller
Directed By: Rob Bowman
Runtime: 97 minutes
Studio: Gold.
MPAA Rating PG-13