The movie “Love Ranch” is a bittersweet love story that turns explosive when the players in a romantic triangle lose control and cross the line. Set in the late 1970s, depicting larger than life personalities living on the edge, “Love Ranch” stars Oscar winners Helen Mirren and Joe Pesci as Grace Bontempo and Charlie Bontempo, the husband and wife team who own and run Nevada’s first legalized brothel. Their lives are suddenly altered when Armando Bruza, a husky, world famous heavyweight boxer from South America, played by Spanish actor Sergio Peris Mencheta, is brought to the Ranch to train as part of Charlie’s ever expanding entrepreneurial empire. Plans quickly go awry when Bruza comes between Grace and Charlie as an unforeseen love triangle develops that erupts into uncontrollable passion and murder.If you’re Wild About Movies you know that director Taylor Hackford is the husband of Helen Mirren.
Love Ranch
Love Ranch Release Date: June 30, 2010