What is there to say about what “Jackass 3” is about? Well, if you’re not familiar with the franchise – it began as a weekly show on MTV more than a dozen years ago – and features a bunch of idiot grown up men – and a retarded midget – who put themselves in situations that most toddlers wouldn’t find themselves in; where to begin with the juvenile, violent, self destructive behavior? Suffice it to say, the MTV show of the same name created such a following of fools around the world that the first two movies it spawned for the big screen made a lot of money. And with “Jackass 3” in 3D, with higher ticket prices, and a really close up look of Johnny Knoxville’s cock, for any who may care, (gross), Paramount Pictures is expecting a goldmine.
Jackass 3D
Jackass 3D Release Date: October 15, 2010