A big-hearted Southern yarn, “Get Low” is a movie spun out of equal parts folk tale, fable and real-life legend about the mysterious, 1930s Tennessee hermit who famously threw his own rollicking funeral party . . . while he was still alive. Academy Award winner Robert Duvall, Golden Globe winner Bill Murray, Academy Award winner Sissy Spacek and Lucas Black form an ensemble of unforgettable characters who bring to life the surprising last act of Felix Bush. A life-long “wild man” and misfit, Felix has been nearly swallowed up by the power of his town’s sinister myths about him; until he finds the courage on his own “funeral day” to make a shocking confession about why he turned away from society. The result is a comic, poignant, at times haunting tale about the snowballing nature of secrets, stories and heartbreak; and the redemption of telling the truth.
Get Low
Get Low Release Date: July 30, 2010