With John’s social life at a standstill and his exwife about to get remarried, a down on his luck divorcee finally meets the woman of his dreams, only to discover she has another man in her life; her son. Written and directed by the way overrated Jay and Mark Duplass, the filmmaking team behind Sundance Film Festival favorite, but hardly seen by anyone, “The Puffy Chair,” the movie “Cyrus” takes an insightful and funny look at love and family in contemporary Los Angeles. Still single seven years after the breakup of his marriage, John (John C. Reilly) has all but given up on romance. But at the urging of his ex-wife and best friend Jamie (Catherine Keener), John grudgingly agrees to join her and her fiance Tim (Matt Walsh) at a party. To his and everyone else’s surprise, he actually manages to meet someone: the gorgeous and spirited Molly (Marisa Tomei). Their chemistry is immediate. The relationship takes off quickly but Molly is oddly reluctant to take the relationship beyond John’s house. Perplexed, he follows her home and discovers the other man in Molly’s life: her son, Cyrus (Jonah Hill). A 21 year old new age musician, Cyrus is his mom’s best friend and shares an unconventional relationship with her. “Cyrus” will go to any lengths to protect Molly and is definitely not ready to share her with anyone, especially John. Before long, the two are locked in a battle of wits for the woman they both love – and it appears only one man can be left standing when it’s over. Using the innovative improvisational techniques that have earned them critical accolades and a devoted following, Jay Duplass and Mark Duplass enter the mainstream with a touching, original story that blends humor and heartbreak, much like life itself.
Cyrus Release Date: June 18, 2010