In the movie “Birdemic,” a riff on Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds,” a platoon of eagle and vultures attack the residence of a small town. Many people died. It’s not known what caused the flying menace to attack. Two people managed to fight back, but will they survive “Birdemic”? The movie – literally one of the worst ever made – features a cameo by Tippie Hedren, star of the Hitchcock film “The Birds.” “Birdemic” is showing exclusively at midnight shows around the nation – trying to become a cult favorite and earn the coveted title of ‘worst movie ever.’ The movie was featured on Sunday Morning, on CBS, May 2, 2010. James Nguyen, who not only financed Birdemic, but also wrote, directed, and produced the four-years-in-the-making movie about a couple who are besieged by homicidal birds in a small North California town. Yes, Nguyen spent four years on “Birdemic.” Go figure. That’s the same amount of time James Cameron took to make Avatar. But was Birdemic shown the love upon its completion? It was not. Sundance rejected the movie, a decision the Sundance committee may have regretted when Nguyen spent eight days driving around Park City in a fake bird covered van blasting the sound of eagle attacks and human screams from loudspeakers.
Birdemic Release Date: February 27, 2010