“The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A Veggie Tales Movie” opens in modern day suburbia at the local pirate themed restaurant, where derring-do and turkey legs go hand-in-hand five nights a week. But not for Sedgewick, Elliot and George (Mr. Lunt, Larry the Cucumber and Pa Grape). While they love all things piratical and dream of taking the stage in the big show, Elliot’s timidity, Sedgewick’s laziness and George’s lack of self-confidence relegate them to busing tables and refilling drinks. When they finally do get up the courage to audition, the three would-be swashbucklers manage only to destroy half the stage set. Out of luck and out of work, they stand dejectedly outside the restaurant as a strange, ancient-looking metal ball lands at their feet. It is a “Helpseeker,” sent from another time and place in search of heroes. After scanning the three moping misfits, it sets in motion events that will send them back to the 17th century to face real pirates in a real pirate adventure, and in the process challenge everything they believe about themselves.
The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A Veggie Tales Movie
The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything: A Veggie Tales Movie Release Date: January 11, 2008