“Kit Kittredge: An American Girl Mystery” is based on the American Girl character, “Kit Kittredge,” who lives in Cincinnati, Ohio during the Great Depression. “Kit Kittredge” was originally scheduled to be released in theaters in Fall 2007. However, there were some production difficulties that made that impossible. Abigail Breslin, Oscar nominee for plays “Kit Kittredge,” the main character.
Introduced in 2000 as the seventh American Girl historical character, “Kit Kittredge” is the first one to have her story adapted for a theatrical film. Working in partnership with American Girl for the last five years, Goldsmith-Thomas Productions and Red Om Films have received nominations and awards for their television fims “Samantha: An American Girl Holiday,” “Felicity: An American Girl Adventure,” and “Molly: An American Girl on the Home Front.”
“Kit Kittredge” Trivia: Director Patricia Rozema hasn’t made a movie of note since the mid 1980s cult classic “I’ve Heard The Mermaids Singing.”