In the movie “Before The Rains,” a Merchant/Ivory production, a British spice grower in Kerala, India becomes involved with a married woman from a local village, and becomes the center of tribal customs and laws.
In the movie “Before The Rains,” a Merchant/Ivory production, a British spice grower in Kerala, India becomes involved with a married woman from a local village, and becomes the center of tribal customs and laws.
July 30, 2020
The movie Fallen is based on the young-adult novel of the same name, the first in a planned four novel series written by Lauren Kate. Lucinda "Luce"...
March 5, 2020
A Little Chaos is a romantic drama that follows Sabine (Academy Award winner Kate Winslet), a strong-willed and talented landscape designer, who is ch...
October 23, 2015
In the movie The Secret In Their Eyes a retired legal counselor writes a novel hoping to find closure for one of his past unresolved homicide cases an...
May 29, 2015
In New York arrives a violent and angry man imprisoned by his brutal past, Mohammed Husain. His mission - to kidnap and kill a peaceful Muslim schola...
May 1, 2015
In the movie Any Day, Vian McLean (Sean Bean) is an ex-fighter who is filled with resentment. He killed a man with his bare hands and has just spent...