Based on the first of seven books by acclaimed Australian author, John Marsden, the movie “Tomorrow When The War Began” tells the story of seven teenagers who return from a week long camping trip to find that Australia has been invaded by a foreign power. Banding together to fight gurellia style agaist the enemy, this is not a typical heroic war movie – it is a terrifying situation where they must sometimes use little more than a knife or a belt to murder a soldier in cold blood. It’s a graphic tale of the violence, the blood, the fear, and the insanity of war. These kids are underdogs, they’re not going to win the war, they’re more likely to end up dead in a ditch than send the enemy retreating, but it’s their land, their parents and friends in prison camps. They give a damn and they’d rather die fighting than give up.The Australian movie has yet to find a U.S. distributor or a release date in the United States. But, if the past writing projects of the film’s director, Stuart Beattie, are any indication – all three Pirates Of The Caribbean movies, and the Nicole Kidman movie Australia, as well as the films 30 Days Of Night and the Tom Cruise movie Collateral – you’ll most likely get to see the film on the big screen in North America by the early part of 2011.
Tomorrow When The War Began
Tomorrow When The War Began Release Date: May 11, 2007