Based on Nicola Kraus and Emma McLaughlin’s popular satirical novel, “The Nanny Diaries” stars Scarlett Johansson as a working-class woman from New Jersey who becomes a nanny to a wealthy Manhattan family – “The Nanny Diaries.”
Based on Nicola Kraus and Emma McLaughlin’s popular satirical novel, “The Nanny Diaries” stars Scarlett Johansson as a working-class woman from New Jersey who becomes a nanny to a wealthy Manhattan family – “The Nanny Diaries.”
December 18, 2013
Set in Los Angeles, slightly in the future, "her" follows Theodore Twombly, a complex, soulful man who makes his living writing touching, personal let...
March 5, 2020
A Little Chaos is a romantic drama that follows Sabine (Academy Award winner Kate Winslet), a strong-willed and talented landscape designer, who is ch...
August 21, 2015
In the movie Learning To Drive, as her marriage dissolves, a Manhattan writer (Patricia Clarkson) takes driving lessons from a Sikh instructor (Ben Ki...
July 24, 2015
In the movie The Young Kieslowski, two brainy and awkward virgins hook up (drunkenly), fall in love (maybe), and get pregnant (twins). .
July 10, 2015
Two people in love, two apartments - one in Barcelona and another one in Los Angeles - and the images of their past, present and future. Can love sur...