“Ira And Abby” is a sweet, hilarious and slightly subversive romantic comedy that examines the issues of marriage, monogamy and whether “I do” is the only path to life-long love and happiness. Ira Black, 33, is brilliant, neurotic, Jewish and has so many issues he can’t fit them into 12 years of analysis. He can’t finish his dissertation, he can’t commit to his longtime girlfriend, and he’s incapable of making a decision, even if it’s just what to order at the diner. Abby Willoughby, 30, is a free spirit who’s better at solving her friends’ problems at the gym than selling memberships. When the two meet, the impossible happens: they fall in love, meet each other’s parents and decide to get married, all in a few breathless hours. “Ira And Abby.”
Ira And Abby
Ira And Abby Release Date: September 14, 2007