In “Bhool Bhulaiyaa,” an Indian musical thriller, supernatural forces threaten to take over a family’s palatial home. Though family members think that an adopted daughter is responsible, an American psychiatrist arrives and exposes the truth.
In “Bhool Bhulaiyaa,” an Indian musical thriller, supernatural forces threaten to take over a family’s palatial home. Though family members think that an adopted daughter is responsible, an American psychiatrist arrives and exposes the truth.
January 17, 2014
Small-town fry cook Odd Thomas (Anton Yelchin) is an ordinary guy with a paranormal secret: he sees dead people, everywhere. When a creepy stranger s...
April 29, 2011
The adventures of supernatural private eye, Dylan Dog, who seeks out the monsters of the Louisiana bayou in his signature red shirt, black jacket, and...
June 12, 2015
In this supernatural thriller The Stranger, a mysterious man arrives in a small Canadian town seeking his wife, but his unwelcome presence and what he...
May 1, 2015
In the movie Private Number a series of sinister phone calls haunt an ex-alcoholic writer as he struggles to finish a novel. Efforts to trace the ca...
February 20, 2015
What if the ghastly images and abominations haunting our collective nightmares actually exist? Writer/director Adam Green (Hatchet and Hatchet 2) set...