Located on the far North Coast of California and on the margins of society is a region nicknamed “The Lost Coast” but geographically known as “Humboldt County.” It is there, amongst the state’s breathtaking Redwood forests that marijuana farmers co-exist peacefully within the rural community. It is there that Peter Hadley (Jeremy Strong), a promising but tightly-wound UCLA med student, finds himself stranded when he’s deposited at the multi-generational family home of the free-spirited Bogart (Fairuza Balk), following a drunken one-night stand. Frustrated and disillusioned with his life after his professor/father (Peter Bogdanovich) fails him on an important exam, the unworldly Peter at first rejects the welcoming yet eccentric, pot-smoking strangers along with their eclectic group of friends and fellow farmers but soon allows himself to be embraced by their ideals and begins to see life a bit clearer: despite the smoke.
Humboldt County
Humboldt County Release Date: September 26, 2008