The movie “Falling Awake” is the powerful story of Jay (Andrew Cisneros), a young man struggling to find his identity in The Bronx in a house crowded with family members and a neighborhood filled with loyal friends and dangerous enemies. A gifted musician, Jay hopes to leave it all and pursue his dream of composing and performing music. Once he meets Alessandra (Jenna Dewan), a beautiful young woman who lives in Brooklyn, his determination to defy the expectations of his frustrated, angry father become even stronger. Yet Jay is tied to his home through loyalty to his friends and to his brother, who has returned unexpectedly from service in the Marines. As he reaches toward a wider world, he is pulled back over and over by cycles of anger and violence that have defined his life and neighborhood for so long. It takes love, a change of heart and a new undersrtanding of life’s elusive chance at happiness to finally help Jay make the long, uncertain leap to a fresh chance.
Falling Awake
Falling Awake Release Date: January 29, 2010