The movie “Bruno” stars comedic genius Sacha Baron Cohen. “Bruno” is the completely fictitious character played by Sacha Baron Cohen who first appeared during short sketches on The Paramount Comedy Channel in 1998, before reappearing on Sacha Baron Cohen’s “Da Ali G Show.” Following the success of the movie Universal Studios acquired the rights to make the”Bruno” movie. “Bruno,” (played by Sacha Baron Cohen), who has no known surname, is a homosexual character claiming to be a reporter from an Austrian television station and interviews unsuspecting guests about topics such as fashion, entertainment, celebrities and homosexuality, with an emphasis on the latter as each interview progresses. The Austrian TV station’s logo features the letters OJRF (revealed once as Osterreichischer Jungen Rundfunk, or in English, Austrian Boys Broadcast) inside a baby blue square, with a smaller purple square in the upper left quadrant. The name is similar to that of Austrian national broadcaster ORF (Osterreichischer Rundfunk). The logo often appears on “Bruno’s” show in the upper right corner of the screen.
Bruno Release Date: July 10, 2009